Frostman's blog

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Synchronized in Java

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We need synchronizations, when we are writing applications that work with variables from more than one thread. The most simple way to avoid issues of parallel accessing to variable is to use synchronized statement. In Java there are two ways to use synchronized:

  • use statement synchronized with some monitor-object to create critical section (this is also called “synchronized block”):
synchronized(monitorObject) {
  // Critical section :: 
  // this code block can be accessed 
  // by only one thread at the time
  • mark method with synchronized keyword and then:
    • if method is static, it is equal to synchronized(DeclaredClass.class) { method body };
    • if method is not static, it is equal to synchronized(this) { method body }.

So, synchronized takes care about preventing locks in case of multiple read/write access to variables from more than one thread In the latest JVM (since 1.5) synchronized overhead is very low in case of unused synchronizations (when only one thread try to enter into the synchronized section at a time), but in the old JVMs synchronized was not optimized.

synchronized keyword is not so flexible and configurable as we want sometimes, so you can read about Lock and ReadWriteLock in Java here (my next article).
